A lovely project to be part of. This is a Wurlitzer Lyric juke box from the sixties that was lovingly restored to former glory. A central parts is the selector wheel where the customer choose the song he wish to hear. The owner of this jukebox could not find a replacement for the acrylic cover of the selector wheel with the numbers of the songs on it. So he found us. The original acrylic had hardend over time, it had lost its shape and was clearly discoloured. Based on the original and also the metal frame of the selector wheel we designed a new part. This was printed in our clear material because the Juke box has a light shining through the numbers from below. The two printed parts where fused and painted. We applied the numbering and finally finished the whole part with a clear varnish. Ready to play tunes again.
Wurlitzer Lyric Jukebox Select Wheel Repair using 3D print
By allonscale|2021-01-05T10:07:36+00:00May 11th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Wurlitzer Lyric Jukebox Select Wheel Repair using 3D print